Monday, April 23, 2012

Joshua Tree National Park!

     Had a great time at Joshua Tree National Park. We went the south to north route, about 48 miles. With all the pics I had taken, it took about four hours to drive it. After we got out of there we drove to Lake Isabella KOA to spend to the night. On the way to Lake Isabella we drove through the San Bernardino Mountains, what stunning views. Lake Isabella is in part of the Sequoia National Forest. Driving through there was quite stunning as far as mountains views are concerned also. I will have to do my pics when I return home.

     Tomorrow we will head to Death Valley, I hear it is a Killer, lol, and that it is deathly hot there! Can't wait to see the scenery there. I tell you, each corner you go around the scenery and landscape can change in an instant!

     Well, that is all for now, we got up at 5:00 am and drove to Lake Isabella and got here at 8:00 pm, and believe it or not, I am TIRED! So I must say, goodnight all! And thanks for reading!

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