Saturday, June 9, 2012

Night out and Homemade Sicilian Pizza Dough!

I went to hear a friend play guitar with the Jacob Reynolds Band in Knoxville last night. He is a life long friend who now lives in the Nashville area. They played at the Tin Roof off of Cumberland Ave. downtown.

Here is a little video of the Sicilian dough I made today. Sorry it is not very good. It is hard to do when you are doing it alone, and without a camera stand. I need to start making better vids, but at least I did one. I hope it helps anyone interested in making the dough. Enjoy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

26Th Anniversary!

Today, was my 26th Anniversary. Sounds like a long time! Am I getting old? We sat around the house and did nothing! Seems to be my favoritest thing to do lately! Of course we had to watch our Grandson also, my daughter worked today!

Saturday, I have to make a Sicilian Pizza and a gluten free pizza for my daughter to take to some picnic, and babysit my grand kids for her. That should be a fun day, lol! 

Homemade sauce.

Gluten free crust.

My homemade round Sicilian pizza dough that I well be making. Crispy crust that melts away in your mouth!
Now, this looks good to me!

Great, it just turned 12:12 am, and now I want this salad! I made these things when my sister was hear visiting a while back. Dang, that salad looks good!

 Blog at ya later everyone out there, hello, Hello, Hello, anyone there? Stay safe!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Too funny!

I started mowing my yard today,(had two others to do also, just cause I'm a nice guy) and would't you know it, the mower died on me! I tried pulling and pulling, and to no avail? What was I going to do?

You guessed it! I took the carburetor apart! Not knowing what I was doing, of course! Well, four gaskets and a couple of spacers, and who knows what else, fell off before I could see where they went.

I messed around with it, wiped it off some, then tried to reassemble. As I said, I had no idea of how to put it back together. Finally after sorting pieces back and forth, to and fro, and almost losing my patients(not me), I got it together again. I pulled, and pulled. Nothing! I pulled and pulled again, got a little sputter,  pulled some more and I'm sorry, I had to laugh, it started!

I finished my yard, did one of the neighbors, then shut it off to refuel. The whole time thinking, don't shut it off, it won't start again. 

IT STARTED! And with no problem, on the first pull. I finished the third yard with out a hitch. I don't believe it, but I'm not going to knock it, it worked!

Long story short, I mowed three yards today, lol!

Who say's you have to know what you are doing, sometimes just trying is good enough! If you don't try, you will never know what you can accomplish.
Have a great day, Partner!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Being back home blue's!

Well, it's been, I think, four day's since my last post. I am just sitting around with not much to do, and not really anything to write about. I can't really think of anything anyone would like to hear about at this time.

Yes, I guess I have a case of being at home boredom blues! I am in a rut, and need a push from someone to get me going again! 
Now if that's not boredom, what is?

When you start doing things like, making smiley face pics like this, that's boredom! Excuse me, that should be with a capital (B)! 

Right now, I am just lacking the motivation to do anything, so guess what, I'm not going to, so ha!

Just wanted to touch base with anyone still reading my blog. And I sure hope I can get motivated again soon, but for now,

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just another lazy day today. Took my grandson to the park to swing, then we stopped by McDonalds for a burger and fries, and ice cream of course! And for those that know me, no i didn't eat anything from McDonalds. 

Had a little rain tonight, caught a few lightning strikes, not very good, but I got some. The red line is the very beginning of the strike, and of course the white was a fraction of a second later.

Beginning of 1st strike
Middle of strike
End of 1st flash strike
Beginning of second strike.

Hard to see end of flash, look close.